My photography focuses solely on self-portrait work, using the constraint of manipulating myself as a subject to tell stories.

Constraint (2019)
This project contrasts the rigid architecture of New York, the strict rules and systems of our society with the organic nature of the human mind and emotional spectrum - raw, unforgiving - unapologetically imperfect.

Speed (2019)
Shot on 120mm film, this series follows the cycle of finding yourself, the eventual chaos or mental undoing and the return to the vulnerable child inside of us all. Round and round we go…


“Same as it Ever Was” (2021)
A conceptual piece by artist Brother Graham in collaboration with LES PUNK. This piece is the first independent piece of artwork featured at Art Basel Miami, as the two snuck the sculpture past security and displayed the piece amongst the world’s largest gallery this past December in Miami. Read about here.

“New York is Dead” (2020)
This piece included a series of billboards and banners flown by planes over Los Angeles and Miami, playing with new mediums and ways to communicate with the audience.The stark message garnered national media coverage, creating a larger commentary on those who fled the city during the pandemic. This was done in collaboration with artist Samara Bliss. You can view it here on Artsy, or read about it here in Time Out or TV interview on NBC.


My debut EP will be released Spring 2022 entitled “If Your Music Had No Future Would You Still Sing Songs”.

Past Releases:
Double Down

© 2022 Brother Graham